Brittle Nails? We See Them As Always At The Top

How to Fix Brittle Nails

If like me you have brittle nails (unfortunately I have had for many years vice dell'onicofagia) or that it is useless to wish to crumble them long: sooner or later, alas, will break. Much better to leave the court and control power: yes, because also the lack of certain foods affect their growth. You should include in the diet such as fish. But not only.

Tips For Brittle And Split Nails

To ensure that the keratin, the substance that makes nails hard enough to be produced so you should assume that we can find in the silicon grains: other important foods for keratin are dairy products and soy. Another remedy that apparently seems to be very useful in the presence of brittle nails is to perform the massage with lemon juice. Also if your nails are brittle enamel before moving on "normal" should also use a nail polish hardener. Also you should not cut them with scissors but make use of a soft lime.

Brittle Nails

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